Guest blog: Utilising Cloud Based Tools to Make Your Business 'Work Wise' Remotely. By Damian Hanson, Co-Founder & Director of CircleLoop

Last week many employers marked Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 as a moment to stop and reflect. The last two years has been a rollercoaster to say the least, but now we are in a position to understand exactly what embodies the modern-day workplace and what can be done to improve mental health for all individuals in the workplace.

A recurring topic that remains an important one is the adoption of hybrid working. Moving forward, continuing to adopt a hybrid working model will be favourable to allow the adaptability of flexible working for employees. Retaining the practices that reduced workforce burnout and stress will be a key matter to consider for those who have found it difficult not to blur the lines between work and home.

In 2022 we have to be even more considerate for our employees and implement smarter working practices that can help teams and businesses flourish. By using the right cloud-based tools you can be sure to confidently provide employees the experience of having more autonomy and freedom in their lives.

Helping remote employees with the right remote tools

With physical office presence no longer being a necessity, communication remains key to business operations and success. Opting to have a remote working policy compared to life before the pandemic is now feasible. However, being able to measure the effectiveness of your team and ensuring that their well-being and productivity are measurable is one of the many things that need to be considered.

Updating your technology with the cloud is just one way to make project collaborations easier. However, it will be important to provide your employees the same one-on-one time and brainstorming opportunities similar to if they were in the office to ensure they are not feeling neglected and isolated. 

At a time where people can work from anywhere, as obvious as it may seem, respecting an employee’s availability via their online status will be key to recognising boundaries and respecting the wishes of your staff. As businesses, we need to recognise that it’s just as important to have time away from your screen as it is to work productively, and many cloud-technology products, like CircleLoop, have built this into their products as a result.

There is no doubt that cloud-based communications have opened the door for a hybrid workforce. However, businesses still crave the team interaction that the office is best suited for. In the age of Zoom fatigue and remote burnout, this means that your strategy may have to change from time to time. It’s important to consider the additional perks of cloud-based technology, whilst also ensuring that business provides a human element in a digital workspace.

The future of cloud-based technology for better employee wellbeing

We have seen strong demand for cloud-based systems during the pandemic as it works from anywhere which supports the hybrid or remote working model. It’s also very easy to set up and get running which has been a huge benefit to any business switching from office-based work to remote.

Cloud-based technology is becoming the future of business and has become a popular option because of its long list of benefits. Flexibility, cost savings, increased productivity, speed, performance, and security capabilities are also pros to using this technology versus traditional phone systems.

In addition, many new business apps and platforms are already being integrated with cloud-based phone systems to make the day-to-day work even easier. This technology is now a part of major business innovations that will shift how we see the office space forever. Being an adaptable business in 2022 and beyond, is about supporting remote working but also offering employees the opportunity to work in the office as much as they want to if preferred.

Develop policies to implement cloud-based tools for hybrid working

Establishing a hybrid working environment that is suitable for all employees requires time, patience, and strategic workplace modifications. These new working practices will align with the cloud technology invested to support this.

Firstly, ensure that the policies developed are easy to understand and follow. Employers should keep a good level of communication to all employees to avoid confusion, especially at the stage of transitioning to a new working model. Secondly, at some point you will need to develop the right employee training and development. This will correspond with the various features that will be on offer following the technological developments of your organisation.

Lastly for a hybrid working model to be a success, you need to provide employees the necessary technology built for this type of work. Providing access to the correct technology and infrastructure necessary to work regardless of the employee’s location will be key.

Effective communication internally will only help enhance the ability to communicate with your customers, so it is vital to adopt this approach and outline your workplace’s expectations and guidelines to ensure a collaborative, cross-functional model.

It is also worth reiterating that not all employees will want to work remotely. Bearing in mind the different working requirements of each individual, their preferences and circumstances can cause confusion. However, including clear processes for each employee to follow will help to coordinate teams effectively no matter where they are.

Final thoughts…

Since the global pandemic, we have seen the shift to encourage new working practices to uplift and improve the employee experience across all industries. There is no doubt in my mind that cloud-based tools that promote the hybrid way of working will be here to stay. Now has never been a time to enhance the livelihood of your employees, whilst focusing on the futuristic work structure that will shape how we work more smarter and wiser.

With the great resignation looming over employers’ heads, adopting the hybrid working model will be one of the ideal ways to attract and retain talent. Flexibility and wellness are key for employees in the present day, so focus on embracing the future of work to solidify yourself as a forward-thinking employer for years to come.